24-26 June 2019
Nieznanice Palace: www.nieznanice.pl
Organized by:
Conference Venue
Nieznanice Palace, ul. Sobieskiego 22A, Nieznanice, 42-270 Kłomnice (Google map)
Website: www.nieznanice.pl
Nieznanice Palace is a 100-year old mansion located 18 km from Częstochowa. The Palace functions as an accommodation facility and restaurant. It is surrounded by 3.5 hectares park with a pond and a Japanese garden with a fountain. The facility includes a relaxation area, jacuzzi, sauna bath and offers different types of massage. The Palace is a place of harmony between people and nature. Surrounded by greenery and birdsong, conference participants will be able to enjoy a nice atmosphere and silence.
Image source: www.nieznanice.pl
Scientific committee:
Andrzej Grzybowski CUT (Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland) - ChairOrganizing committee:
Jolanta Pozorska - Conference General ManagerParticipants list: Download - PDF
Conference Program: Download - PDF
Important Dates:
Conference registration fee - 900 PLN
Conference fee covers: accommodation, the participation in plenary and poster sessions, conference materials,
coffee breaks, lunches and conference dinner. After conference sessions the participants will have access to the wellness zone.
There is a limited number of single rooms available at extra cost of 100PLN.
Payment Information:
Name of the account holder: Polskie Towarzystwo Matematyczne Oddział Częstochowski
Name of the Bank: Santander Bank Polska
IBAN: 89 1500 1777 1217 7009 1448 0000
Payment title: Conference fee MMPE’2019, Name and Surname of the participant
If you are interested to participate in the conference, please send Application Form and an abstract of your presentation (max. 2 pages) by April 30,2019 to the address: konferencja@im.pcz.pl .
Application Form: Download - DOC or Download - PDF
Abstract preparation guideline: Download - DOC or Download - PDF
High quality works selected by the Program Committee will be recommended for publication in the Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics or to Mathematica Applicanda the yearbook of Polish Mathematical Society.