dr inż. Tomasz Derda 26.10.2024 -
Imię: dr inż. Tomasz Derda
Status: Użytkownik
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 20-02-2024 13:41:17
dr inż. Tomasz Derda

pokój: 305, Al. Armii Krajowej 21
tel.: (0-34) 3250-324

konsultacje sem. letni 2023/24 (p. 305, główny budynek WIMiI)

wtorek 10.00-12.00
środa 11.00-12.00
sobota/niedziela - 1 godz. wg planu (po wcześniejszym kontakcie mailowym)

Konsultacje możliwe również w innym terminie (w tym poprzez platformę wideokonferencyjną PCz) po uprzednim kontakcie mailowym.



Politechnika Częstochowska, Wydział Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Informatyki, kierunek: Informatyka, ukończone w 2009 r.

stopnie naukowe

doktor nauk technicznych - uzyskany na Wydziale Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Informatyki Politechniki Częstochowskiej (2013 r.)

członkostwo w towarzystwach naukowych

International Association of Engineers (IAENG) www.iaeng.org

Polskie Towarzystwo Matematyczne Oddział Częstochowski


Algorytmy numeryczne - laboratorium
Komputerowe systemy na rynkach finansowych - laboratorium
Obliczenia symboliczne - wykład i laboratorium

Publikacje i referaty konferencyjne:

T. Derda, "Critical loading of pillar arrays having previously eliminated elements", Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics, 2023, 22(4), pp. 18-29. DOI: 10.17512/jamcm.2023.4.02, link

A.Z. Grzybowski, Z. Domański, T. Derda, "Optimal Stopping Rules for Preventing Overloading of Multicomponent Systems". Materials (2023). DOI: 10.3390/ma16072817, link

T. Derda, "Suddenly loaded arrays of pillars with variable range of load transfer", Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics, 2022, 21(4), pp. 16-27. DOI: 10.17512/jamcm.2022.4.02, link

T. Derda, Z. Domanski, "Survivability of Suddenly Loaded Arrays of Micropillars". Materials (2021). DOI: 10.3390/ma14237173, link

T. Derda, "Axially loaded arrays of pillars with Fréchet-distributed strengths", Selected Topics in Contemporary Mathematical Modeling 2021 (red. A.Z. Grzybowski). Chapter 1 link.

T. Derda, Z. Domanski, "Enhanced strength of cyclically preloaded arrays of pillars". Acta Mech (2020). DOI: 10.1007/s00707-020-02708-5, link

Z. Domański, T. Derda, "Critical Load of Cyclically Preloaded Arrays of Pillars", Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (WCECS 2018), Vol II, pp. 606-610 (2018), PDF.

T. Derda, Z. Domański, "Statistics of Critical Load in Arrays of Nanopillars on Nonrigid Substrates". In: Transactions on Engineering Technologies, Ao SI., Gelman L., Kim H. (eds), Springer, Chapter 2 (2018), link.

T. Derda, Z. Domański, "Simulation Study of Critically Loaded Arrays of Pillars", 2017 IEEE 14th International Scientific Conference on Informatics, pp. 68-73, link.

T. Derda, "Statistics of evolving failures in arrays of pillars under a mixed-mode load transfer", Selected Topics in Contemporary Mathematical Modeling, Post-proceedings of the IX Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physics and Engineering 2017, pp. 39-55, PDF.

T. Derda, "Statistical analysis of mechanical damage in nanopillar arrays with mixed-mode load transfer", Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics, 2017, 16(3), pp. 5-16, link.

Z. Domański, T. Derda, "Distributions of Critical Load in Arrays of Nanopillars", Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering (WCE 2017), Vol II, pp. 797-801 (2017), PDF

T. Derda, "Analysis of damage processes in nanopillar arrays with hierarchical load transfer", Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics, 2016, 15(3), pp. 27-36, link.

T. Derda, "Stochastic local load redistribution in the fibre bundle model of nanopillar arrays", Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics, 2015, 14(4), pp. 19-30, link.

T. Derda, "Statistical analysis of mechanical damage in arrays of mixed nanopillars", Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics, 2015, 14(1), pp. 43-53, link.

T. Derda, "Damage evolution in the anisotropic range variable model of nanopillar array", Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics, 2014, 13(3), pp. 37-46, link.

T. Derda, "Mechanical annealing model of damage in arrays of nanopillars", Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics, 2013, 12(4), pp. 31-40, link.

T. Derda, "Statistics of Avalanches and Critical Loads in Fiber Bundle Model of Nanopillar Arrays", Konferencja "Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Methods in Physics", Gdańsk, 12-14 grudnia 2013 r., link.

Z. Domański, T. Derda, N. Sczygiol, "Statistics Of Critical Avalanches In Vertical Nanopillar Arrays". In: Transactions on Engineering Technologies, series: Lecture Notes in Electrical Eng., Volume 275, G.-C. Yang, S.-I. Ao, O. Castillo (eds.), Springer, Chapter 1 (2014), pp. 1-11. link.

Z. Domański, T. Derda, N. Sczygiol, "Critical Avalanches in Fiber Bundle Models of Arrays of Nanopillars", International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists", Hong Kong 2013, PDF.

T. Derda, "Damage evolution of dense nanopillars located on a two-dimensional square grid", Scientific Research of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2012, 3(11), pp. 21-32, link.

T. Derda, "Avalanche statistics in transfer load models of evolving damage", Scientific Research of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2011, 1(10), pp. 21-31, link.

T. Derda, Z. Domański, "Damage evolution on two-dimensional grids - comparison of load transfer rules", Scientific Research of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2010, 1(9), pp. 5-15, link.

Z. Domański, T.Derda, "Voronoi tessellation description of load transfer within the fibres bundle model of two dimensional damage". XV International Colloquium Mechanical Fatigue of Metals Abstracts, p. 22, Opole 2010.
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