dr hab. Gubareni Nadiya, prof. P.Cz.
magisterskie: Uniwersytet Kijowski im. Tarasa Szewchenko, Wydział Mechaniki i Matematyki, kierunek: matematyka
doktoranckie: Uniwersytet Kijowski im. Tarasa Szewchenko, Wydział Mechaniki i Matematyki
stopnie naukowe
doktor nauk matematycznych; doktor habilitowany nauk matematycznych
dyscyplina naukowa
algebra i teoria liczb; metody obliczeniowe i modelowanie matematyczne
Profesor nadzwyczajny
Kierownik Zakładu Algebry Stosowanej
Algebra, Algebra liniowa i geometria analityczna II, Logika matematyczna, Algebra współczesna i zastosowania, Elementy teorii liczb i kryptografii
Monografie naukowe
Michiel Hazewinkel, Nadiya Gubareni, Algebras, Rings and Modules: Non-commutative Algebras and Rings, vol. 2, CRC Press, 2017, xiv+350p.
Michiel Hazewinkel, Nadiya Gubareni, Algebras, Rings and Modules: Non-commutative Algebras and Rings, CRC Press, 2016, xiv+374p.
Michiel Hazewinkel, Nadiya Gubareni, V.V.Kirichenko, Algebras, Rings and Modules: Lie Algebras and Hopf Algebras, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol.168, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 2010, xii+411p.
Michiel Hazewinkel, Nadiya Gubareni, V.V.Kirichenko, Algebras, Rings and Modules, vol.2, Springer, 2007, xii+400p.
Michiel Hazewinkel, Nadiya Gubareni, V.V.Kirichenko, Algebras, Rings and Modules, vol.1, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dortrecht-Boston-London, 2004, xii+380p.
Nadiya Gubareni, V.V.Kirichenko, Rings and Modules, Wydawnyctwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej, 2001, 308p.
Gubareni N., Computational Methods and Algorithms of Computer Tomography with a few-number of Projection Data, Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1997, 328p.
Gubareni N.M., Sinkov M.V., Non-positional representations in multidimensional number systems, Kiev, Naukova Dumka. - 1979, 204p.
Nadiya Gubareni, Algebra współczesna i jej zastosowania, wyd. Politechniki Częstochowskiej, 2018, 306p.
Nadiya Gubareni, Logika dla studentów, wyd. Politechniki Częstochowskiej, 2002, 276p.
Rozdziały lub fragmenty w książkach
Nadiya Gubareni, Algebraic Algorithms for Image Tomographic Reconstruction from Incomplete Projection Data, In: Engineering the Computer Science and IT (S.Soomro, ed.), INTEH, Croatia, 2009, pp.231-260. ISBN 978-953-307-012-4
Nadiya Gubareni, Iterative methods for solving systems of linear equations with sparse matrices, In: Strengthening the educational and scientific collaboration among Faculties of Economics within V4 and countries of South Eastern Europe (R.Vokorokosova, J.Grabara, eds.), Tech. Univ. Częstochowa, Częstochowa, 2009, pp.192-202.
Gubareni N., Pleszczynski M., Computer simulation of block-parallel algorithms for image reconstruction, In: Selected contemporary problems of information systems (A.Kapczński, A.Brückner, eds.), Katowice, 2009, pp.31-50.
Gubareni N., Kirichenko V.V., Semiperfect Rings with T-Nilpotent Prime Radical, In: Groups, Rings and Group Rings (Giabruno, C.P.Milies, S.K.Sehgal, eds.), A series of Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol.248, 2006, pp.217-231.
Sinkov M.V., Tarasenko-Zelenaja L.I., Gubareni N.M., Image reconstruction of three-dimensional object by means of parallel and beam rays. In: Problems of computational tomography. Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1986, p. 57-65.
Sinkov M.V., Ternowoj K.S. (eds.), Introduction to modern tomography, Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1982, 320p.
Gubareni N.M., On right hereditary rings of bounded representation type, In: A.N.Sharkovsky, I.A.Lukovski, A.V.Roiter (eds.), Theoretical and applied problems of differential equations and algebras, Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1978, p.80-84.
Gubareni N.M., Kirichenko V.V., Structure of right Noetherian and right hereditary semiperfect prime rings. In: Math. Sbornik (Yu.A.Mitropolsky ed.), Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1976, p. 32-41.
Gubareni N.M., Sinkov M.V., Teleshov V.J., Systems of residual classes in four-dimensional algebras of biquaternions. In: Electronic and modeling, Kiev, Naukova Dumka, v.10, 1975, p.36-42.
Publikacje w czasopismach
N.Gubareni, Tensor algebras of bimodules and their representations, Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 2016, vol.12(25), 1-10, Suppl.
N.Gubareni, O-species and tensor algebras, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics, 2016, 15(2), 23-30.
N.Gubareni, Representations of O-species and flat mixed matrix problems, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics, 2016, 15(3), 47-56.
N.Gubareni, O-species of bounded representation type, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics, 2016, 15(4), 39-50.
Gubareni N., Katkow A., Simulation of signal oriented algorithm with lossy data compression, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Computer Science, vo.9, No.2, 2015, p.51-65.
Gubareni N., Semiprime FDI-rings, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics, vol. 13, No.4, 2014, p.49-59.
Gubareni N., Some mixed matrix problems over several discrete valuation rings, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics, vol. 12, No.4, 2013, p.47-58.
Gubareni N., On right hereditary SPSD-rings of bounded representation type II, Scientific Research of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, vol.4(11), 2012, p.53-64.
Gubareni N., On right hereditary SPSD-rings of bounded representation type I, Scientific Research of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, vol.3(11), 2012, p.57-70.
Gubareni N., Structure of finitely generated modules over right hereditary SPSD-rings, Scientific Research of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, vol.3(11), 2012, p.45-56.
Dokuchaev M.A., Gubareni N.M., Kirichenko V.V., Rings with finite decomposition of identity, Ukrainian Math. Journal, vol.63, N.3, 2011, p.319-340.
Gubareni N., Valuation and discrete valuation rings, Scientific Research of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, vol.1(10), 2011, p.61-70.
Gubareni N., Semihereditary rings and related topics, Jan Długosz Univ. in Częstochowa, Mathematics XVI, 2011, p.33-38
Dokuchaev M.A., Gubareni N.M., Kirichenko V.V., Semiperfect ipri-rings and right Bezout rings, Ukrainian Math. Journal, vol.62, N.5, 2010, p.701-715.
Bondarenko V.M., Gubareni N.M., Dokuchaev M.A., Kirichenko V.V., Khibina M.A., Representations of primitive posets, Journal of Math. Sciences, Springer, vol.164, N.1, 2010, p.26-48.
Gubareni N., Finitely presented modules over right hereditary SPSD-rings, Scientific Research of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Częstochowa, v.2(9), 2010, p.49-50.
Dokuchaev M., Gubareni N., Rings related to finite posets, Scientific Research of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Częstochowa, v.2(9), 2010, p. 25-36.
N.Gubareni, M.Pleszczynski, Image reconstruction by means of chaotic iterative algorithm, Scientific Research of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Częstochowa, v.2(8), 2009, pp.59-70.
N.Gubareni, Convergence of an asynchronous iterative algorithms, Scientific Research of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Częstochowa, v.2(8), 2009, pp.47-57.
N.Gubareni, M.Pleszczynski, Block-Parallel Chaotic Algorithms for Image Reconstruction, Electronic modeling, v.31, N.5, 2009, pp.41-54.
Bondarenko V.M., Gubareni N.M., Dokuchaev M.A., Kirichenko V.V., Khibina M.A., Representations of primitive posets, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., vol.14, N.6, 2008, p.41-74. (in Russian).
Gubareni N., Pleszczynski M., Chaotic Iterative Algorithms for Image Reconstruction from Incomplete Projection Data, Electronic modeling, 2008, N3, p.29-44.
Gubareni N., Khibina M., Serial piecewise rings, Algebra and Discrete Algebra, No.4, 2007, p.59-72.
Gubareni N., Kirichenko V.V., Serial Rings with T-Nilpotent Prime Radical, Algebra and Representation Theory, Springer, v.9, 2006, p.147-160.
Gubareni N., Computational Algorithms for Canonical Form Problem for Pencil of Matrices, Electronic Modeling, v.27, Nr 2, 2005, pp.31-44.
Gubareni N., Convergence and performance of parallel multiplicative algorithm for image reconstruction from total image, Hellenic European Research on Math. and Inf. Sci., v.3, 2002, p.209-216.
Gubareni N.M., Kirichenko V.V., Revitskaya U.S., Semiperfect semidistributive semihereditary rings of bounded representation type, Proc. Gomel. State Univ., v.1, N.1 (15), 1999, Problems in Algebra, p.18-36.
Gubareni N.M., Organization of Computational Processes in a Special Cellular Structure, Engineering Simulation, 1998, Vol. 15, P.169-175.
Gubareni N.M., Parallel Iterative Algorithms for Computer Tomography, Engineering Simulation, 1998, Vol. 15, P.467-478.
Gubareni N., Katkov A., Parallel chaotic iterative algorithms for image reconstruction with limited projection data, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 1996, vol.1127, P.196-207
Gubareni N.M., Mathematical modeling of asynchronous implementation of special processor with use of Monte-Carlo method, Electronic modeling, 1992, v.14, N3, p.3-8.
Gubareni N.M., Popova T.I., Iterative algebraic method of image reconstruction from total image for small number of projections, Electronic modeling, 1990, v.12, N 1, p. 42-49.
Gubareni N.M., Rudchenko P.A., Numerically analytical solution of problems of atmosphere protection from pollution, Electronic modeling, 1989, v.11, N 2, p. 68-74.
Sinkov M.V., Gubareni N.M., Tarasenko-Zelenaja L.I., Mathematical methods for reconstruction of three-dimensional structure of an object from its projections, Electronic modeling, 1984, vol.6, N5, p.77-81.
Gubareni N.M., Sinkov M.V., Vaszczenko V.F., Fundamental theorem for quadriplex numbers, Mathematical modeling and theory of electrical chains, N.16, 1978, p.67-73, Kiev, Naukova Dumka, (in rus.)
Publikacje w książkach po-konferencyjnych
Gubareni, N. & Pleszczynski, M. (2007). Image reconstruction from incomplete projection data by means of iterative algebraic algorithms, In: Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Wisla, Poland, 2007, pp.503-515, ISSN 1896-7094
Gubareni N., Asynchronous Algorithms for Problems from Total Image, In: G.R.Joubert, A.Murli, F.J.Peters, M.Vanneschi (eds.), Parallel Computing. Advances and Current Issues. Proceedings of the International Conference ParCo2001, Imperial College Press, London, 2002, pp.149-156. ISBN 1-86094-315-2
Gubareni N., Asynchronous Multiplicative Algorithm for Image Reconstruction from Interferogramms. In: Proceedings of the International Conference in Image Science, Systems, and Technology, Las Vegas, USA, June 25-28, 2001, CSREA Press, pp. 851-857.
Gubareni N., Simulation of Asynchronous Algorithm for Image Reconstruction. In: Proceedings of World Multiconference on Systems, Cybernetics and Informatics, June 22-25, 2001, Orlando, Florida, USA, IIIS, vol.8, 2001, pp.519-524. ISBN 980-07-7548-X
Gubareni, N., Generalized Model of Asynchronous Iterations for Image Reconstruction, In: Proceedings of the 3-d International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics PPAM'99, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, September 14-17, 1999, Eds.: R.Wyrzykowski, B.Mochnacki, H.Piech, J.Shopa, Technical Univ. of Częstochowa, Częstochowa, pp. 266-275, ISBN 83-911994-0-1,
Gubareny N., Katkov A., Simulation of Parallel Algorithms for Computer Tomography In: R.Zobel, D.Moeller (eds.), Simulation - Past, Present and Future (12th Europian Simulation Multiconference 1998), (Manchester, UK, June 16-19, 1998), [SCS] Publication, P.324-330. ISBN 1-56555-148-6
Gubareny N., Asynchronous Parallel Algorithms for Computer Tomography, In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering, PARELEC'98, (Białystok, Poland, September 2-5, 1998), pp.222-227. ISBN 83-86272-72-4
Gubareny N., Katkov A., Asynchronous Chaotic Algorithms for computer Tomography, In: E.Luque, A.R.Hurson,H.El-Rewini (eds.), Parallel and Distributed Systems Euro-PDS'97 June 9-11, 1997, Barcelona, Spain, IASTED/Acta Press, 1997, pp.104-107. ISBN 0-88986-225-7
Gubareny N., Katkov A., Shopa J., Parallel Asynchronous Team Algorithm for Image Reconstruction, in: A.Sydow (ed.), Computational Mathematics, vol.I (Proceedings of the 15-th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics), Berlin, Germany, 1997, Achim. Wessenschaft & Technik Verlag, Berlin, p.553-558. ISBN: 3-89685-551-4
Gubareny N., Katkov A., Distributed Computational Processes for Image Reconstruction in Massively Parallel Structure. In: Proceedings of the 5-th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing . (London, UK, Jan. 22-24, 1997), IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997, pp.425-430. ISBN 0-8186-7770-8
Gubareni N., Katkov A., Modelling of distributed processes for image reconstruction in cellular structure. In Parcella'96: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing by Cellular Automata and Arrays, Berlin, Germany, Sept. 16-20, 1996, Academie Verlag, 1996, Mathematical Research, vol.96, pp.251-258.
Katkov A., Gubareni N., Self-organizing computational processes in networks with speed independent functional elements. In: A.Javor, A.Lehmann, I.Molnar (eds.) Modelling and Simulation, ESM96 (Proceedings of the 10th Europian Simulation Multiconference, (Budapest, Hungary, June 2-6, 1996), [SCS] Publication, 1996, pp.707-711. ISBN 1-56555-097-8
Gubareni N, Simulation of chaotic iterative processes in speed independent computing networks. In: Proceedings of the Forth Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and. Distributed Processing (Braga, Portugal, Jan.24-26,1996), IEEE Computer Society Press, pp.27-32 . ISBN 0-8186-7376-1
Katkov A., Gubareni N., Self-organizing computational processes in networks with chaotic integration. In: Proceedings of the Fourth European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing, EUFIT'96, (Aachen, Germany, Sept. 2-5,1996) P.260-264.
Piech H., Borowik A., Chlopas T., Gubarieni N., Verification of Theorem Truthfulness in Three-Valued Logics with Parallel System Applications. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop Parallel Numerics'96 (Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia, Sept. 11-13, 1996). pp. 75-85. ISBN 86-80023-25-6
N.Gubareni, Applications of iterative algebraic methods for solving problems for geotomography, The 3-d Scientific and Technical Conference on Geotomography, Sverdlovsk, ZSRR, 1991, pp.86-87.
N.Gubareni, Mathematical simulation of solving boundary Dirichlet problem for Helmholtz differential equation by computer with special processor. All-Union Seminar "Practical realization of Computer Methods for Solving Boundary Problems", Perm, ZSRR, 1989, pp.87-88.
N.Gubareni, P.A.Rudchenko, Numerical and analytical solving of one class of problems on control of water resources, All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference "Using computers for solving problems of environment control in heat power engineering", Kiev, ZSRR, 1988, pp.92-93.
N.Gubareni, T.Popova, O.Gershunsky, Parallel processing of image reconstruction on the base of algebraic methods, The 5-th All-Union Workshop "Parallel processing information", Lvov, ZSRR, 1985, pp.45-47.
M.Sinkov, N.Gubareni, I.Kovalevskaya, L.Izyk, Parallel methods of processing information represented by hypercomplex numbers, The 5-th All-Union Workshop "Parallel processing information", Lvov, ZSRR, 1985, pp.68-70.
M.Sinkov, I.Kovalevskaya, N.Gubareni, Hypercomplex numbers, their structures, properties and possibilities for applications in simulation, All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference "Simulation-85. Theory and applications", Kiev, ZSRR, 1985, pp.36-40.
N.Gubareni, On building the kernels in algorithms of image reconstruction of three-dimensional objects, Scientific and Technical Conference "Integral equations in applied simulation", Kiev, ZSRR, 1983, pp.156-157.
N.Gubareni, M.Sinkov, V.Vaszczenko, Yu.Riabinin, Applications of quaternions in non-position systems of numerations, All-Union Conference on hybrid computational systems, Odessa, ZSRR, 1976, pp.75-81.
Dokuchaev M.A., Gubareni N.M., Kirichenko V.V., Rings with finite decomposition of identity, Preprint Univ. De Sao Paula, San Paulo, Brasil, RT-Mat 2010-4, 2010, 30p.
Bondarenko V.M., Dokuchaev M.A., Gubareni N.M., Khibina M.A., Kirichenko V.V., Representations of primitive posets, Preprint Univ. De Sao Paula, San Paulo, Brasil, RT-Mat 2008-07, 2008, 32p.
Dokuchaev M.A., Gubareni N.M., Kirichenko V.V., Semiprime rings and right Bezout semiperfect rings, Preprint Univ. De Sao Paula, San Paulo, Brasil, RT-Mat 2008-10, 2008, 20p.
Gubareni N.M. Mathematical modeling of Dirichlet problem for Helmholtz differential equation in computer with special processor, Preprint 90-37, IPME AN of Ukraine, Kiev, 1990, 51p.
Gubareni N.M., Tarasenko-Zelonaya L.I., Algorithms of image reconstruction by projection for two-dimensional space for parallel and beam rays. - Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1981, 18p.
Gubareni N.M., Tarasenko-Zelonaya L.I., Elaboration of the theorem about projections and cross sections for beam rays. - Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1981, 22p.
Gubareni N.M., On semiperfect right hereditary rings of representation bounded type, Preprint-78.1, Kiev 1978, 56p.
Gubareni N.M., Right hereditary rings of representation bounded type, Preprint-148, Inst. of Electrodynamics AN of Ukraine, Kiev, 1977, 48p.
Gubareni N.M., Drozd Yu.A., Kirichenko V.V., Right serial rings, Preprint-110, Inst. of Electrodynamics AN of Ukraine, Kiev, 1975, 19p. |